C-43 Fraser River
Fraser River C-43
//php woo_post_meta(); ?>Description: This 15- to 30 foot wide section of the Fraser River encompasses a mile and a quarter of pocket water, deep bend pools and long slicks at the end of riffles. It is known to produce big rainbows, browns and the occasional brookie. Every known major western hatch is known to take place on the Fraser.
Location: Located just north of Fraser, Colorado off of Hwy. 40 and County Road 8.
Capacity: 2 anglers or more if in one group
To make a reservation call 303-421-6239 or 1-800-524-1814.
Rate Notes:
$70.00 Adult |
$52.50 Adult 1/2 Day |
$52.50 Adult Aftn. |
$0.00 Child |
$52.50 Youth |
$39.38 Youth 1/2 Day |
Youth Aftn. |
Property Log Book Comments
Excellent day on the Fraser River property. As usual the directions are spot-on and the place is easy to locate. My buddy and I started late morning on a beautiful bluebird Sunday. I headed downstream to the boundary, and he started near the parking area and fished upstream. We were both getting action on dry/dropper rigs, I was using a small hopper and a variety of droppers. He was using a renegade with a prince dropper. We each caught 6 or 7 fish in this manner, most in the 10 - 12" range, with 15" being the largest. I switched to dark streamers in the early afternoon and quickly picked up 4 more fish, including a beautiful 16" Rainbow in a deep pool. We took a break around 3:00 and headed into Winter Park for an early supper at Hernando's. We got back on the river between 5:30 and 6:00 and this is when things got interesting. I headed upstream to the big hole beneath the house visible from the parking area, and proceeded to pull 11 fish out of there using a black conehead flash a bugger, while losing 5 or 6 others. The sizes were still modest, 10 - 12" but I had a ball. I ended up landing 19 fish before darkness drove me back to the car, with 3 of them being 16-18". There were some big fish lurking upstream of the electric fence, but I only landed one of them. My friend caught some fish on his dry-dropper rig, but unfortunately never got the streamer memo. This is a beautiful property filled with willing fish. As always it pays to keep trying different approaches until finding success. ~ Keith Campbell -- September 1st, 2017
Had high hopes for the Fraser today. Have fished the lease three times in the past with both high and low flows and have done well. Moreover spoke to a member who fished it several days ago and had a great day. Not today - despite what seemed like great flows, the river turned off for some reason. My buddy and I fished from 9-2 and caught about 15 fish between us. No hatches and no rises and no clear fly preference despite both of us finishing the day with packed fly patches. Mostly reluctant rises to caddis or stimmies and an occasional swat at various droppers - that's why they call it fishing. Ended the day with a Mexican stand-off with the big bull - let him win so he wouldn't feel bad! ~ ken cohen -- August 5th, 2017
Sweet day on the Fraser. Mostly sunny and the flows were right around 40 cfs. We started the day by working upstream from the parking lot, which proved to be the most productive stretch all day. Lots of great long runs and some pools to fish. We got fish right on away on a bhpt on the nymph rigs and stimis / elk hair on the surface. We continued to the top of the boundary and the action really picked up, we probably got 15 fish in an hour on the surface. My partner got a nice 14-15" bow in a small hole but most were taken in the riffles on surface bugs, one 13" fat Brown. Lots of animal activity, Longhorns, Horse, Deer and a resident Blue Heron. We lost count of fish, but it was easily a 30+ day, Browns, Bows, Brookies and a Cutbow. Really fun and pretty property, this would be a great place to take kids. ~ Brad Rettig -- July 23rd, 2017
Water down and just perfect, if anything a bit low. Lots of big fish on the prowl, browns especially. Diana and I had plenty between us, almost all on caddis, bhpt, copper johns (dark green and black), prince nymphs, and a variety of hatches in the afternoon. The pools had to be nymphed, but the riffles took fish on both droppers and dries. Get up there now! ~ Steve Fitzgerald -- July 7th, 2017
Cold and snowy morning, no action until about 11 and then it was "lights out"! First fish a beautiful 10" Brookie, most fish were 10-14 inch Browns and rainbows. Caught a nice 16" brown, and a 16" and +20" rainbow in the big hole mid-property. Only one fish on a dry (#20 BWO), most on a double nymph rig of #16 bead head Prince with #20 black midge with silver wire. Caught biggest on a #16 brown rubber legged Wooley Bugger and midge combo. Great, cold day! ~ Dr J -- September 25th, 2016
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