Description: Approximately 3/4 mile of the Lake Fork of the Arkansas River, plus another 3/4 mile on Rock and Willow Creeks. This tailwater of Turquoise Lake averages 25 feet in width and offers one of the most spectacular vistas of all our tracts. Good population of Browns to 18 inches and a few cutthroats over 18 inches. Rock and Willow Creeks are much smaller and offer heavy willow cover and some beaver pond-type water.
Location: This property is located 4 miles SW of Leadville, less than two hours from Denver.
Capacity: Limited to 2 anglers.
To make a reservation call 303-421-6239 or 1-800-524-1814.
Rate Notes:
$70.00 Adult |
Adult 1/2 Day |
$52.50 Adult Aftn. |
$0.00 Child |
$52.50 Youth |
Youth 1/2 Day |
$39.38 Youth Aftn. |
Property Log Book Comments
Fished the upper portion from 9-1. Several nice browns, all on smaller chubby chernobyl. Winds kicked up big time in the afternoon and the cows were all over the lower river. Saw 2 pronghorn antelope up close to start the day ~ Mike Narkewicz -- September 30th, 2017
Had a good day on the Lake Fork today, even though there were no hatches and no rising fish. Despite that, the fish were willing to take a #16 green CJ (not a #18!). My buddy Jim and I fished from 9:30 -3:30 and caught about 20 fish each. About 80% were browns and the rest brookies, not a single rainbow caught. There were occasional takes on a #14 light tan caddis but 80% of the fish were on the dropper. Very few fish were tight to the banks where they usually are and almost all of the fish were caught in the ripples and bend pools. River improvements, particularly the fencing have markedly enhanced the property. The new river structure creates some great rainbow riffles, but alas no rainbows - maybe some to be stocked next season???? Ken ~ ken -- August 19th, 2017
Tough day on A4. Minimal activity in the AM. Found some fish in the slower channel near the pond rising to caddis. Afternoon was better with green copperjohn the ticket. Mainly 10-13 in browns and brookies. ~ Mike Narkewicz -- July 25th, 2017
Consistently one of the best properties that I have fished. Caught 13 very nice trout, all 10-14 inches. Caddis were very good along with copper johns on a dropper. ~ Paul Goodrum -- July 24th, 2017
Flows were high today. The new structure looks great but at these flows, couldn't really fish any of them. The dam across the whole stream near the bottom of the property creates a great flat that should be hot during hatches. Since there was no surface activity and the water was a bit off color, started with a SJW trailing a #20 green CJ. Caught three nice browns in the first pool below the riffles then started working my way up. Now I've fished this property a dozen times over the past decade or so and caught my share of 17-18" browns but never anything big. To my very great surprise, at the top of the first pool, just across from the old wooden sign on the bank, I hooked a leviathan. Truly huge rainbow. I've been told I underestimate fish sizes and this beast was easily 24" and 6-7 pounds. Two full out of the water leaps, multiple porpoises, runs back and forth across the pool, and me with my 3 weight and #6 tippit. Fought her (big hen) for a good 15 minutes, had her to my feet twice, but alas one touch with the net, a quick head turn and pop, gone......Hopefully someone this summer will get a measure and picture of this beautiful fish. A few more fish as I worked up the stream but unfortunately, chased off the stream by raging thunderstorms by 11 AM. Should be fun when the flows settle down. Ken C ~ ken cohen -- June 7th, 2017
Slow day on A-4 - no risers all day and did not really see a fish in AM. Was worried would report a skunk but a nice 17" brown and one 12" saved my day. fished with hopper and numerous droppers- small WB ( which brought the fish) several hits on top with small tan hopper. This is a beautiful stream particularly with all the improvements. The setting is really second to none. Could not scare a fish in the new pools and runs. Given some time the fish will move into those areas. I wonder how long it takes for the fish who have been displaced to move back. Having fished A4 many times I know there are lots of nice browns. Enjoyed the day even with meager results. This is a really nice piece of water which will only get better. ~ Bill J -- September 3rd, 2016
Beautiful day with minimal wind. Flows were at 17cfs or so and water was clear. Some mayflies and midges but no real hatch and no risers at all. Caught mostly browns with a few bows and one brookie in the morning on a #18 stonefly trailing a SJ worm but it was slow going. Tried various dries and baetis, Copper Johns, other bead heads and annelids without success. Spooked a few but didn't see very many. Rain clouds rolled in around 2:00 so we left a bit early with about 18 between the 3 of us. ~ Larry G -- August 4th, 2016
Fun day on A-4! The weather was perfect, some cloud cover, mild temps and little wind. We started at the lower boundary and worked our way up. There are some great features to fish on the lower half, not a ton of bites but we each got a few 12-13 inch browns. They were taken on a white and green caddis imitation below the surface. Most of the action was on the banks, but as we moved up to the flatter areas the fish were crushing huge stimis with an orange body. We then continued to through the upper portion of the property using the same rigs and having success. We spooked a couple really big fish, but didn't get any luck in the new pools. I love the new features and look forward to when the fish start moving into them. ~ Brad Rettig -- June 22nd, 2016
Add together a beautiful setting, a winding, braided stream and plenty of fish and you're at the Lake Fork. We started in the braids and got nowhere. But the main channel was another matter. Lots of stream improvements provide a water-calming effect along with plunge pools, deep runs and riffles. There is something new and enticing around every bend. Oddly, my guest caught nothing but browns and I caught nothing but bows, even when when we traded rods and fished the same pools. We each ended with double digits and big smiles. Totally worth the drive. ~ Larry G. -- June 18th, 2016
Bright and sunny day. No action in AM. Afternoon and upper property better with fish taken on midges and baetis and occasional bead head flashback. Water has good clarity, flows were at ~20 cfs. Be sure to get gate combo when you make a reservation. ~ Mike Narkewicz -- June 4th, 2016